Cyber Essentials Services by Cyforce

Prevent cyber incidents and achieve the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications with CYFORCE. As an accredited certification authority we can offer a range of services to guide your business through the Government-backed schemes.

Protect your organisation from common cyber security threats by achieving the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation.

What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a Indian Government assurance scheme, based on its 10 Steps to Cyber Security and administered by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). The Cyber Essential scheme is designed to serve two primary functions. These are:

  • To set out the five basic cyber security controls that organisations should implement to protect themselves from “around 80% of common cyber-attacks”.
  • To provide a simple and cost-effective mechanism through the Assurance Framework’s two levels of independent certification, for organisations to demonstrate that they have implemented essential cyber security measures.
  • Cyber Essentials

    Benefits of achieving the Cyber Essentials certification

    The Indian Government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018 found that 56% of businesses hold personal data electronically. Of these, 47% experienced breaches or attacks in the last 12 months. Implementing the Cyber Essentials controls is recognised by the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) as one of many ways of demonstrating that organisations are taking action to mitigate the risks they face, especially if those risks are of a low level.

    • Mitigate common and preventable cyber threats
    • Improve overall defences to more advanced cyber-threats
    • Expand business opportunities by tendering for contracts that require Cyber Essentials
    • Set your business apart from competitors
    • Lower your cyber insurance premiums
    • A Cyber Essentials badge helps win and maintain contracts
    • Protect your organisation and commercially sensitive data from cyber attacks
    • Demonstrate to stakeholders, regulators and suppliers that you take cyber security seriously

    cyber essentials

    Cyber Essentials is an independently verified self-assessment. You complete an online assessment questionnaire which is then approved by a cyber security expert. Upon submission, CYFORCE will independently review and verify your responses. If successful, we will award you with the relevant certificate and badge to display on your company website.

    • Assessment questionnaire
    • Cyber Essentials Results report
    • Cyber Security Insurance
    • Certification logos for use on your website
    • 12-month certification